Genre: Zine

Title: Midrash is Story Spackle

Description: This project is all about creating stories to fill in the breaks of Torah. Torah doesn't read nice and smooth like the bottom of a perfectly thrown ceramic bowl. It is more like bits and pieces fit together like a puzzle. Sometimes, there are gaps that haven't been filled in yet. That is where midrash comes in. We will be making midrash together!

I’ve been working as a Jewish educator in some form or another since 2011. I have lots of thoughts about democratizing Jewish learning and creating a lay-led Jewish future in which adults feel grounded in their own tradition enough to pass it on with confidence to their children. Also, I’m just a huge nerd for Torah.

Text: “Sometimes the apparent nullification of the Torah is its foundation.” Babylonian Talmud, Menaḥot 99a-b